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Video name: Japan 1991 - Possibilities Tour - "Foolish Beat"

Duration: 04min 27sec
Dimensions: 320x240
Audio: Stereo
Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic01 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic02 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic03
Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic04 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic05 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic06
Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic07 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic08 Possiblilites 91 - Foolish Beat - small picture screenshot pic09
MPEG version
File Size: 16,601,092 Bytes

Notes on this file:

The audio has been remade into pseudo-stereo from a mono soundtrack.  Because I could not capture at full PAL or NTSC frame rate, some slight jerkiness in the picture may be noticed.